HDR image not visible
So, I've got a very newbie question that I can't find the answer for. When I use hdrs they render just fine but I can't see them in the scene. In fact I don't remember ever seeing them since I got 4.8.
I followed some of the solution I read in the forum but they don't work. I'd love any hint, rendering 30 images to get the location just right is paiunful for my poor PC :)
For anyone interested, when I turned the environment to none from the panes the aux viewport worked great.
The HDRI will only be seen in Iray when the Viewport is set to Iray. The way I do it is to have the AUX Viewport on and set to Iray and use that to view the HDRI in the Environment Dome. Use the Dome Rotation slider to turn the dome and view the scene. Typing in at 30º steps i.e. 30, 60, 90, 120 etc., and then fine tuning when you come to an area you like. When adding anything that slows the computer down when trying to manipulate the scene hide the AUX Viewport and then show it again when done.
Thanks fishtales :) The problem was with the environment settings. I had to turn it to "none" to get the dome to work.
If you have set the Dome Map to None then you wont see any of the HDRI only the dome sky.
Not the Dome Map. The Environment from the Window-Panes-Environment. When the type was in backdrop I couldn't see the HDR, only in the render. When I set it to none everything worked fine.
I never use that so when you talked about HDRI and Environment I automatically thought of the Iray Dome and the Environment Map.
I didn't know it was there either, I found it in a post over here :)