Searching *facepalm*

I've had a few issues with the search 'feature' in DS recently.  Then I saw a post which said, in effect, "yes, only searches on whole word, but you can use :* as a wildcard".  That gave me, as an ex-programmer, a bit of a wtf-moment.  Um, sorry - user interface?  Can we not progamatically insert the necessary colon?  Anyway, that (with mildy gritted teeth) aside, I get to my next issue with the search.

Looking for some pointy ears for Genesis, so I slap 'ears' in the search box and, of course, nothing shows up.  Then I remember the :*, so add that.  Nothing still.  Ah, maybe add a :* to the front too as it may be <something> ears ... still nothing.  Not sure why, but thinking that the product also has a tail wuith it I type in 'tail' and ... ther are listed all sorts of tails.  None of them were the one I was thinking of so more searching ensued.  I tried "ears:* and found (the only match) EarPatches.duf which, based on the file path, made me think of catgirl, so started entering 'cat' in the search box and 'cat_tail.duf' appears.  Then I try "catears", but only get as far as 'catear' before they appear, no need of the :* wildcard.

Really think the search needs to be revisited on how it works!

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