I can't seem to find any way of having two or more tone hair, such as Rogue of X-Men, Roxi of Gen13, Argent of Teen Titans, Scarlet Witch of X-Men Evolution, or Rainbow Clown Afro. How would one go about acomplishing this?
It would probably depend on the hair, but if you can't paint directly on the material (if it's used in multiple places for example), perhaps you could select some of the polygons and create a new surface, make a copy of the material and modify the copy and apply that to just the new surface. (This assumes you are using DAZ Studio.)
It would probably depend on the hair, but if you can't paint directly on the material (if it's used in multiple places for example), perhaps you could select some of the polygons and create a new surface, make a copy of the material and modify the copy and apply that to just the new surface. (This assumes you are using DAZ Studio.)
I will have to play around with this see if it works.
You can export the texture map to photoshop or gimp and recolor it there then save it (with a different file name you don't want to over write the original). Once you have the hair loaded on to your character go to surfaces and right click on the diffuse color tab (the little square next to the color bar) and browse to the new color texture and apply it to the diffuse color channel. I would screen shot but am in the middle of a render.
It would probably depend on the hair, but if you can't paint directly on the material (if it's used in multiple places for example), perhaps you could select some of the polygons and create a new surface, make a copy of the material and modify the copy and apply that to just the new surface. (This assumes you are using DAZ Studio.)
Would this be something you'd like?
Like that, though I was hoping for a built in way of doing so.
I will have to play around with this see if it works.
You can export the texture map to photoshop or gimp and recolor it there then save it (with a different file name you don't want to over write the original). Once you have the hair loaded on to your character go to surfaces and right click on the diffuse color tab (the little square next to the color bar) and browse to the new color texture and apply it to the diffuse color channel. I would screen shot but am in the middle of a render.