Limitations even with limitations off?
I am trying to play with body shapes and sizes and I notice that with some parts like hands and feet, even with limitations off, Daz will still only allow them to get so big. 200% and 500% look the same. Does anyone know a way around this or am I asking Daz to push past it's abilities?
Wheer are you removing limits? The emnu command affects only rotations, if you adjust the limits on the sliders on the figure they may be controllers and not the actual property - scaling, for example, would be on the body parts being scaled not in the figure node controllers. If that is the issue you would need to find the property doing the work (click the gear icon on the slider, select Parameter Settings, and look in the Sub-components tab) and edit its limits.
Thank you Richard. As always, I have no idea what you're talking about. I never do. I ask questions on the "New User Board" because there is still a lot I don't understand. When you answer questions, please try to speak in basics. You may know what you're response meant but I don't. Talk like a person, not an automated computer system born from the Matrix or something. And if that makes me sound like too much of a NOOB for you, quit trying to answer my questions because you never do. It's like talking to the Catepliller in Alice in Wonder Land.
OK, so breaking it down into steps - where and how are you removing limits now?
Richard, I am very sorry for my response. That sort of drama doesn't belong here and there is no reason for me to take out my frustrations on you, especially when you are taking your time to try and help. I could have sent this in a private message but I figure since I acted like an idiot in public, I should make the apology public too. I really am very sorry.
That's OK, I am sitting here melting in the heat so I can sympathise with the effect of frustration.
Thank you, that's very gracious of you.
But back to the subject at hand (no pun intended) when I am trying to increase the length of a body part (hand, foot, arm) I go to Actor>Select the Body part>I click on the Gear Symbol and unclick the "Use Limits" box. At that point I can increase the length but once it gets to 200%(i think) the body part stops getting bigger. In the box it says it's at 427% but it hasn't gotten any bigger since it said 200%. Am i asking Daz for more than it has the capability of doing? I find that the limits of my imagination are sometimes greater than what Daz can do. Not surprisingly. It's a great program but I'm sure it would be impossible to make EVERYTHING possible.
(I can sympathize with melting in the heat. I live in a very humid state in the US and it's been about 90degrees all week. Tough to handle without AC.)
So you are using the x, y, or z scale slider on the body part you are adjusting? Which figure is it? I just tried Genesis 3 Female and there don't seem to be limits on the hand and fiinger scaling sliders (unless that's a relic of something I was doing). It's certainly possible to push the scaling to the point where the figure mesh breaks, as I justs aw in my testing, but there shouldn't be an auto-cap on the numbers as you seem to be seeing.
Fortunately they are promising some (relatively) cooler weather - though I imagine my melting point would have you reaching for a cardigan anyway.
92deg with 50-65% humidity here, it's terrible.
I'll do some screen shots when I get home so you can see what it is I'm doing and maybe doing wrong. I'm sure that's a more reliable way to show the problem.
Not that different - it was about 31C here yesterday
OK, that should help.