Ring around iris using iRay


I am experiencing an issue using iRay for my eyes that no amount of googling has been able to help me with. Pretty much, wherever I use an "iRay eye", there is an odd ring around the iris that looks very bad. Adding the Daz Uber Base "water - thin" makes the effect even worst as can be seen in the screenshot attachments.

I find that 3Delight eyes dont do the same thing, but appear very dull and lifeless when rendered, the reflection show in the "before rendering" screenshot shows reflections but they dont come through on the render, and its like they have a dull matt film over them.

As always, any suggestions are much appreciated.

Thanks - J

iRay eye b4 thin water base and render.PNG
372 x 288 - 228K
iRay eye b4 render with Thin water base.PNG
353 x 227 - 179K
iRay eye after render with Thin water base.PNG
373 x 252 - 236K
3Delight before render.PNG
334 x 281 - 205K
3Delight after render.PNG
419 x 265 - 265K


  • LuzfenixLuzfenix Posts: 57
    Some people suggest changing cornea bulge to 1 when using iray. I don't know if that will fix this. My renders don't have this ring.
  • evilded777evilded777 Posts: 2,466
    edited July 2016

    Project: Eyeray

    Its really the best resource there is at the moment.

    If you don't want to purchase something you are are on the right track with the Water material, try this advice. ANd follow Luzfenix's advice about the cornea bulge morph.

    Daz C-Jones on eyes

    Post edited by evilded777 on
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    That outer ring around the eye is normal and present in all eyes, although I admit in some of the DAZ eyes it's not the color or width you'd expect.

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