Sizing Render Canvas

in New Users
How does one set the size for the render canvas in DS 4.9? I'm using the Hollywood Boulevard interface.
In 4.6 which I have on my PC the sizing chart is immediately viewable, but I can't find it on 4.9.
In the General group of the Editor tab of the Render Settings pane - the options are, as I recall, the same as in 4.6 but it's now a standard pane.
In the Render Settings pane I click on Editor, but ther is nothing there that states either "General" or "General group". I've clicked on everything in that tiny pane and there's nothing to do with render screen sizing. I've searched all over the place and can't find sizing. In 4.6 I click on "Render" at the top left and that brings up tabs for "Render Library" & "Render Settings" and there's a vast pane all down the left side which shows all sizing. It's impossible to miss; but I can't locate the same or similar pane anywhere on 4.9.
I think you need to make that pane larger - the settings Richard is talking about are hidden behind the "Tips" tab. Either drag the corner of the pane to make it bigger ot at least click on that little bar symbol I've marked below and you should see the various settings.
Edit to add a pic of my own Render Settings pane - I keep it docked on the left hand side of the screen under the Smart Content and Content Library panes, so it's big enough to see easily.
Brilliant! Thanks Melanie. It's under Editor All. Problem solved!