Can I delete the files from DIM downloads?
I have messed up my library with multiple files on different drives (e.g. public and users folders etc) and now my C drive is groaning with the weight of the files. I appear to have 17GB of files in the C:\Users\Public\Documents\DAZ 3D\InstallManager\Downloads
Can I delete these? I think they are installed here D:\My DAZ 3D Library
you can delete the zip files... the other documentation I'm not so sure of.
Yes, but leave the C:\Users\Public\Documents\DAZ 3D\InstallManager\Manifests folder alone as that tells DIM what it has installed and alows it to check for updates. You can move the downloads folder in the DIM preferences (gear at top-right), moving the Manifests folder requires editing the .ini file.
Although you can delete them I'd still suggest you store them somewhere as well. Keep a backup copy. Thing is: if you ever need to re-install and you end up in a situation where you may have a lacking Internet connection (or worse: if some material isn't available anymore for whatever reason) then you can still rely on your local copy.
It's always better to be safe in my opinion.