Empty/Discarded/Hanging Clothing

in New Users
Say I want to show a discarded clothing item in a DAZ Studio image: a shirt, say, laying on the floor or hanging over a chair. How would I go about doing that? Can existing clothing, designed to fit to actors, be converted in some way to do this? Are separate props needed? If so, where do I find them? Do I need to use a different application to create the props?
Thanks in advance!
A piece of OptiTex dynamic clothing for DS could be draped in DS, otherwise you'd have to use something like Blender to take the clothing (as OBJ) and the item(s) you wanted to drape it over and run a simulation, then reimport the clothing item as a new obj and apply the materials from the figure version.
There are some free props on sharing of folded clothing and clothing dropped in a pile in the floor. Let me see if I can remember the vendor's not on the pc right now. Beats578 is the one with the laundry props
here is Beat578's ShareCG Gallery http://www.sharecg.com/pf/full_uploads.php?pf_user_name=beat578
Thanks Jcbunn. Meant to come back and post a link and got distracted.
There's also an product on renderosity that will convert some clothing to dynamic clothing which could then be draped or crumpled on the floor.