Skydome Help?

DekeDeke Posts: 1,635

Bought the Iray Skydome Superpak of hdri dome images on sale today, but once installed it doesn't seem to work...says assets are not found:




I searched through finder and can't find them. unzipped the downloaded file and can't find them there either.  Using Daz 4.8 on a mac.




  • DekeDeke Posts: 1,635

    Answering my own question....those items aren't included in this Super Pak which isn't very super after all. Asking for a refund. 

  • Roman_K2Roman_K2 Posts: 1,253

    Now it's getting confusing - in the other thread barbult says that you don't load in a skydome model for Iray.

  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162

    Using Iray the HDRI are plugged into the Environment Map of the Iray Dome. You can use a Skydome made for 3Delight in Iray but there are a few setting that have to be changed in the surface tab to do it.

  • DekeDeke Posts: 1,635

    "Now it's getting confusing - in the other thread barbult says that you don't load in a skydome model for Iray."

    Yeah, I didn't undrestand this either.  Perhaps different images are mapped differently to the environment "sky"?  Some images are square while others are very wide rectangles so they's have to "map" differently right?  I loaded a wide image to the environment map and it just came out blurry and I could only see part of the clouds, the rest being cut off.  How do you control the placement of the mapped image?

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