DAZ Studio installed but does'nt start
I've just installed DAZ Studio and related products with Installed Manager on a PC win 7 64 bit - 16 Go memory - Intel I7 - GTX 780.
All seems OK (it just does'nt find Photoshop CC but It's repaired now).
The problem is: when I click on the icon to lauch DAZ Studio nothing happens... :shut:
Thanks for your help.
If you used DIM to install DAZ Studio, did it install to Program Files?
Have you tried right-clicking on the icon and running as Administrator?
Hi & thanks for your response.
DIM has installed DAZ in Programmes (64 bits) and about nothing in Program Files (x86). I've a shorcut on my desktop than points to Program files where there is nothing...
In Programmes there is a DAZStudio.exe that does'nt run nor in admin mode.
No error message.
Qt Designer i working.
Are you right clicking on the DAZStudio.exe file in Programmes, and choosing 'Run as Administrator'?
What size is the DAZStudio.exe file in your Programmes folder?
If you used DIM to install DAZ Studio, it is a simple matter to uninstall it again, and reinstall if there is a problem with it.
Yes for question 1
DAZStudio size is 409ko...
I try uninstall-reinstall.
The size is correct as far as I can tell.
If re-installing doesn't help, then there may be something stopping it from running, like Anti Virus software. What AV are you running (if any). You could try disabling your AV just for a few moments, and then try running DAZ Studio, that might tell us something?
uninstall-reinstall all products with no change...
DAZ Studio seems to be not installed: not present in Program and Functionalities in configuration panel?...
Have you tried stopping your Anti Virus software?
I stopped Microsoft Security Essential + HitmaPro + Malewarebytes without any success...
Stopping corresponding windows services has no effect...
When you double click on the DAZ Studio EXE file as administrator, does the windows message box appear from the User Access Control asking if you allow the program to run?
If not, then I can't understand what is happening at all.
The only thing that I can suggest is to uninstall DAZ Studio again (no need to uninstall the content) then install it to a folder that you have created your self on the C drive, call it 'DAZ Program' or something that you will recognise. Then download the manual installer from your Product Library and install it there.
It looks like something on your system is not allowing the program to run at all.