millenium environments: shadows being cast on backdrop wall.
I guess I'm a bit used to an option for objects/surfaces "receive no shadows" as in Truespace for example.
I'm trying to perfect my knowledge in Millenium environments and cyclorama's today. I laid out one of the Forest playset's 25 mins ago or so, set up a distant light, set shadows on, and noticed something rather silly, that being trees in the foreground are casting shadows on the background wall. I decided ok theres probably an option to 'receive no shadows' etc under surface properties....if there is I can't find any.
The ony thing I could think to do was try unfortunately to move the light around and try to aim it so it would not make a tree or object cast a shadow on the backdrop but that proved kind of difficult and limiting to creativity. If theres no option for surfaces to 'not receive shadows' I could certainly see this as being an option in a update to DS. This is a rather popular option in most modeling software. Anyone have any ideas about how this might be done in the millennium/cyclorama environments?
Easiest way is to put the Diffuse texture in the Ambient channel with Ambient Strength set to 100%.
I don't understand the explanation. What do you mean by "put it in." ?
On the Surfaces pane, the texture map is on the left side of the Diffuse channel -- put that same texture map in the Ambient channel, which doesn't react to light (or shadows).
ok, now I understand. Sorry, I had not done that procedure before. One learns something new everyday. It didn't work at first, shadows was still there, I don't know what happened because when I rendered a second time they were gone. I think I only moved the light in closer away from the boundary of the wall on the left side. Oh well, it's working now. It looks really good. Thanks. =)
This is just a somewhat quick render of the results:
you can also set it to not cast shadow like a skydome
If you want to avoid an object taking shadows you can use uberSurface (hold down ctrl while applying it and choose ignore for maps in the dialogue) as that has an Accept Shadows toggle.
You can also render objects separately against a transparent background and then composite them in photo-editing software. I do that a lot.
I know others have gotten this to work, but I have been unable to remove shadows from my backdrop, can anyone help with this?