Iray Iteration Count Reset Question

I've noticed lately that my Iray renders go for the first 20 iterations, then restart at 1 and proceed normally after that initial cycle. Is there a reason for this?


  • The few times i've encountered this, it's usually iray trying to use the gpu then glitching(hitting the vram limit) and switching to cpu.

    It generally cleared if i closed out DS and reloaded the scene.

    In a few cases i've had to rebuild the scene, reloading and copy/pasting poses and so forth, and resave.

    the worst case i had to restart the system.


  • Thanks for the reply. I have been rendering heavier scenes, so the VRAM limit theory makes sense.

  • To test this theory, deactivate GPU for rendering. And let the scene run only on CPU cores. If this never happens again then yeah, that might be a reason ;)

    Render Settings > Advanced > Photoreal Mode > untick CUDA - Geforce

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