Face Transfer - Face Transfer Shape > hexagon issue

Hello all;  

I created a face with face transfer and face transfer shapes  - the character looks and works fine. However after i bridge to Hexagon and back to DAZ the eyes are poking thru the side of the head

See attached  FTandFTS.jpg (before hexagon morph)  - After Hexagon.jpg is the result thats "broken"

Thanks for any advice and help

900 x 644 - 135K
After Hexagon.jpg
900 x 661 - 139K


  • making a composite morph like that breaks any links to corrective morphs and joint adjustments (and also, generally, doesn't permit sharing/selling the composite morph). It's better to right-click and put the parameters pane in Edit mode, right-click to create a new property, set that to 100%, and right-click on the slider>ERC Freeze, then (usually) accept the defaults - that gives a single slider to control the morph without breaking anything else.

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