Help with Shape Splitter

There are three figures that I would like to change how shapes are applied and for the life of me I cannot figure out how to do this with Shape Splitter ( and was hoping someone could walk me through what I need to do for these two/three specific models.

  1. For Black Widow ( I would like the leg shape because they're part of the spider body. But I do not want to morph the head or arms so they store more human-like.
  2. For RawArt's two Gen8 Satyr models ( and I would like for the shape to not alter the head so I can apply different horns.

I tried watching CGI3DM's X-Morphs videos on YouTube and I am just missing something. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


  • Don't forget that HD morphs can't be split

  • Don't forget that HD morphs can't be split

    Well, I'll be. All three of them are HD morphs so maybe that's why nothing happens when I select the morph and try to preview it.

    Are there any alternatives to do what I'm trying to do? I thought Shape Splitter was gonna finally let me do what I've wanted to do since I bought these.

  • Unfortuantely there are no tools to split or modify HD morphs, since those are proprietary features. A work-around would be to export at base resolution and load as a new SD morph, which would eb splittable, and to export the HD version too and use the two meshes to geenrate a dsiplacement  (or normals) map which you coudl then edit to keep the details only on the section that kept the morph, but it's a bit Heath-Robinsonish.

  • CGI3DMCGI3DM Posts: 279

    There are three figures that I would like to change how shapes are applied and for the life of me I cannot figure out how to do this with Shape Splitter ( and was hoping someone could walk me through what I need to do for these two/three specific models.

    1. For Black Widow ( I would like the leg shape because they're part of the spider body. But I do not want to morph the head or arms so they store more human-like.
    2. For RawArt's two Gen8 Satyr models ( and I would like for the shape to not alter the head so I can apply different horns.

    I tried watching CGI3DM's X-Morphs videos on YouTube and I am just missing something. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Through negative morphs you should get what you want.
    This video is the one that should work.
    Let me know what problems you have.

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