Daz Studio pro 4.14 and decimator?

just updated from 4.12 to 4.14 today and nearly all plugins seem ok - however decimator has a red fail

G:/Program Files/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4/plugins/dzdecimator.dll


will a reinstall of decimator work or has anyone else got this problem?





  • Wouldn't hurt to try a new download to install it. Often some plugins do need updating for new releases {and they are normally ready at the same time}.

  • Decimator is one of the core plug-ins that is updated when Daz is updated, so yes it has to be redownloaded and reisntalled along with the application. As I recall the same is try of GoZ, the Photoshop bridge, Measure Metrics, Dynamic Clothing Control, Alembic, and Mimic Live.

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