How do you change the color of a piece of furniture in a scene?

Can someone please point to a tutorial or provide advice on how to change furniture in a scene?

For example's sake, I am using the Opulent Spa for practice and experimentation.

I want to change the color of a cushion.

How do I do this? The tutorials on youtube seem to show things like how to change the hair or skin color of human models. I haven't found anything about changing furniture or modifying it. On the "Scene" tab, there is a "sofa", for example, but the sofa does not break down into cushions and pillows, etc.


  • kenshaw011267kenshaw011267 Posts: 3,805

    First check the product. Does it have different textures for the sofa cushions. That's generally a one click process.

    If it doesn't you now need to see what surfaces are available in the sofa. Select the sofa in the scene and click the surfaces tab. Look through the list andfind the cushions, or cushion. To change the color but retain the rest of the texture you need to find a shader you like the color off. Once you have select both the sofa in the scene and the specific surface you want to change. Ctrl-click the shader and a dialog will pop up and you should select images-> ignore. If you're fine with whatever texture pattern is in the shader you've selected then just click it instead of ctrl-click.

    If there is no cushion surface that gets into editing geometry and that is w3ay more involved than I'm prepared to get into here.

  • JoydivJoydiv Posts: 31

    Thank you for your help. I was able to find the surface under the tab, which I now realize was hidden in the GUI. :)

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