Daz Studio 4.11 frequently crashes my Mac

mavantemavante Posts: 734

I'm on High Sierra 10.13.6—which I have to stay on specifically to be able to use nVidia for iRay. This has been happening on and off ever since I came back to Daz in July of last year.

It only happens when DS is running. It never happens when DS is not running. It never happened before I installed and started using DS in July 2019, after having stayed away from Daz a long time. It sometimes happens when I am merely browsing in Safari, with DS rendering in the background. It sometimes when I am doing nothing else at all. Suddenly the computer screen goes black. Then it usually, after a while, goes to a grey screen with a completely useless sentence in about eight different languages (and I'm sure it's equally useless in all languages) telling me that my computer has crashed, and that I should press any key to restart.

It just happened again tonight, while it was rendering frame 218 of a 221-frame animation. (The moral of this crash for anyone new to Daz animation is never—never—render an animation out to a movie format, which is an option DS gives in render settings. Always—always—render to an image sequence. If I had been rendering to a movie format, a full day of rendering would have been gone in a twinkle. As it is, given that I was rendering to an image sequence, I can restart the rendering at frame 218 and only have a few frames to go.)

To all well-intentioned people poised to suggest I install DS 4.12, thank you, but for a number of technical reasons, I'm stuck at 4.11 for the foreseeable future, just as I am stuck at Mac OS 10.13.6. Ditto for those who wish to suggest that I lodge a formal tech ticket. Yes, I know that these forums are not monitored by Daz technical people and that I need to file a ticket. I know. Thank you. I know. I also predict that as soon as I do, I will receive a pleasant recommendation to install DS 4.12 and upgrade my OS. (Sigh)

But I make record here of this issue here because it may help someone else having similar issues. 

Post edited by mavante on


  • Hi Mavante, 

    I hate to break it to you, but one day soon your nVidia graphics card will bake itself into the trash bin. I prefer the Mac OS too. It's so much more elegant and coherent. Sadly they are at war with nVidia and will never ever coexist again for consumer grade graphics cards.

    I made the switch to Windows begrudgingly mainly to be able to advance my 3D skillset. Macs just don't breathe man. Asky my lifeless cheesegrater sitting on the floor, collecting dust while I'm writing you using a loud, ugly but ventilated PC tower.

    Switch programs and jump to AMD, or stick with nVidia and switch OS.



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