[SOLVED] DAZ 4.12 Totally Lost Figure and Object Editing

Axelx10Axelx10 Posts: 15

When selecting Figure or Object, then EDIT at the top left... All of the options are gone.

Editing Object only allows you to Change Parent. I cannot add smoothing or push modifiers anymore. There is no more Geometry Option.

Editing Figure only has a few choices too. No longer able to Expand figure and turn off limits.

This is when using both G8F/V8 and G2F/V6 figures.

It was all there yesterday now they are gone.

Anyone out there experience the same thing?

I reinstalled and restarted. No dice.

Post edited by Axelx10 on


  • Try Window>Workspace>Update and Merge Menus. If that fails try reloading your layout, or one of the defaults, through Window>Workspace>Select layout.

  • Axelx10Axelx10 Posts: 15

    That did it. Many thanks my friend.

    I knew it was something simple I was just overlooking.

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