Importing purchased assets from TurboSquid? [Solved]



  • Mark TMark T Posts: 40

    Select the model, select the transparent surfaces, and apply one of the glass presets from Shaders>Iray>Glass in the Presets tab (or just adjust the Cutout Opacity in the Editor tab).

    Hi Richard & SpottedKitty

    Just FYI: that worked really well. Thank you both for the guidance.

    I applied the Glass-Thin-Clear shader preset and then fiddled with various settings in the Surface Editor.

    Just this one action has given me more of an insight into adjusting surfaces far more than I would have done, previoulsy.



    1446 x 928 - 110K
    1446 x 928 - 123K
  • I'm glad that helped, thanks for letting us know - and for showing the images.

  • AbnerKAbnerK Posts: 718
    Mark T said:

    Hi all

    Well, took the plunge and bought the model from Turbosquid.

    So, I got access to the following

    • An HD .obj package
    • A standard .obj package
    • A Blender .blender file
    • a .FBX package

    Now, when it come to using anything 3D beyond the confines of Daz3D and buying from the Daz store, I'm a mostly total noob.

    Here's what I've discovered in the short while I've been trying to access and use the various files...


    In Daz: I can't import the .objs.

    To expand, I'm running Daz on an iMac.

    When I go to import and navigate to - say - the HD folder and open that, I find three enclosed files: .obj, .mtl and a JPEG. Using the import command, the .obj is greyed out.

    So, no joy there.


    In Daz: the .fbx imports, but all messed up.

    If I use the Daz import command I can open the .fbx - and it seems as if itretains its textures (though I haven't tried to render it at all) - but the various mesh bits are all centred.

    So, no real joy there, either.


    In Blender (which I zero experince in!): I can open the Blender file, but there don't seem to be any applied textures.

    I can also open and edit the .obj files - I need to delete the wheels and open bomb bay for my project - and re-save / re-export that .obj.


    In PhotoShop CC2020: I can open the edited .obj and pose and light it, using PhotoShop's 3D mode.

    So, so far, I have a bit of a win with Photoshop - of all programs - allowing me to get on and do something.


    Anyone got any idea why Daz won't import the .objs?


    PS: I stress again my total lack of knowledge in this area.



    I only just found this thread, sorry. I'm a Mac user, Blender, Daz and Photoshop. I've got a reasonable amount of experience with Blender 2.79 and a little bit with 2.81. I've downloaded a lot of free stuff in obj format. Most of it works really well and doesn't need much tinkering if any, depending on who uploaded it, but paid stuff should be good to go. It took me a good while to get my head around the materials in Blender. I wouldn't even think about the materials for an obj file that's already set up with .mtl file if it's to go into Daz, there's usually no need unless something is messed up or is named badly. 

    I'm glad you seem to have sorted it out. You seem to be dealing with it really well though. You sound like you know more than you're letting on. :) If I can be of any help in future. I'm always logging in to DeviantArt.




  • Mark T said:
    Just FYI: that worked really well. Thank you both for the guidance.

    Glad to help. As for the new test pic... 

  • Mark TMark T Posts: 40

    If I can be of any help in future. I'm always logging in to DeviantArt.

    Thx Jimmac. Will keep you in mind smiley


  • Mark TMark T Posts: 40
    Mark T said:
    Glad to help. As for the new test pic...  

    Thx SK smileyyes


  • Mark TMark T Posts: 40

    Hi all

    A random follow-on post about the imported Lancaster model I was working with a few months ago.

    The book it forms the cover for is now published!

    Also attached is the finished cover.

    Thanks for all the help and guidance! yes smiley


    'The Boy With Only One Shoe' Book Cover

  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232

    Good work — that's a great cover.

  • Mark TMark T Posts: 40

    Good work — that's a great cover.

    Cheers SK! smiley



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