Character Weights

Measure Metrics gives some of the stats of a character. Height, just, waist, hips, etc. I would really like to get the weight as well.


  • This one is really hard to with the given limits Daz Studio. The characters's weight is going to depend a great deal on what you're doing at the time. If you're rendering, the character will weigh more, unless you're using battery power, in which case, the character will have negative weight! A character whose loading weighs more than a character whose sitting in the background while you read the DAZ forums, unless there's something wrong with your system. However, all of them will weigh about the same, and since it's unlikely you have a scale that can read in units small enough to detect the difference in weight from power fluxuations, you might as well call the weightless :p

    More seriously, there's no way to approximate the virtual weight of a charcter without more details about how each character is made, skin-and-bones-wise. Your best bet would be to find somebody whose general figure and heigh match the height of the character and assume the weight of both is similar. 

  • Heh, at first I thought you completely missed my thought! The current measure metrics can almost do it already. You simply need to be able to generate a crossectional area of each slice, multiply by slice thickness and add them up. Measure Metrics can calculate circumference so it should be able to do areas as well. The average human body is something like 1.01g/cc, so there's your weight (if you know the volume).
  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,090

    It gets a little trickier with bone/muscle density.

  • True there is some variation but I'd bet you would see no more than 1-2% total variation. For a 60kg woman !132.3lb), that would be 58.8 (129.7) to 61.2 (135) with a 2% absolute variation (i.e. 0.99 - 1.03 g/cc). I'd be fine with just a volume calculation and you can choose the overall density to suit your needs.
  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,090

    When I finished my last year of wrestling in college I was 1.78m (5'10") 111kg (245lbs.) and had 8% bodyfat. I had essentially the same measurements as our 83kg (183lbs.) wrestler (height and general shape) but approx. 28kg more mass (weighed 62 lbs. more). I am an Endo-Meso somatotype and people (other wrestlers, coaches, doctors etc,) were always shocked to find out how much the scale showed that I was. My only point in saying this is that it is sometimes difficult to gauge because of density (I am really dense, just ask my wife :) ) and to point out that the BMI is useless, evil, and should be eradicated immediately. DOWN WITH THE BMI !!!!!

    Sorry, I had to get that off my chest.

  • The previous posts are assuming we have no basis for weight, which is incorrect  

    This would be doable based on full metrics since all genesis 8 male and female models are more or less based on the basic. You can use the basic model's weight and measurements to compare against the current model's measurements. Increase in body mass (say making the hips wider) would naturally translate to more weight. 

    We can assume the basic models are the average weight for someone of their gender and height.

    It would perform better if the modeler gave an approximate BMI (basically how muscular the model was expected to be). In any case, I think this is far from an impossible request. 

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