How can I remove some violet strips?
Hi guys!
Last time when I render a picture in CARRARA PRO 8 I've got a problem with one thing... How can I remove a violet strips form victoria's body? I know how to do it in Daz Studio 4 (I need to load a special texture for upper body) but I think in Carrara that thing should look different. Thank's for any help, I'm still on the start with 3D animation - Journey...
746 x 730 - 127K
Only way I know is to load a different texture. The bikini is painted on to the default tex.
If you go to Pose>DAZ's Victoria 4>Materials>Sample res (I think, something like that) there should be an AllNaturalNG pose that will replace the bikini with skin. If you are using a Carrara materials set for the base V4 you may need to check to see if there is an equivalent file, if not all you should need to do is change the torso map on both affected areas while leaving everything else in the material unchanged.
Ok, finally I have found all neded textuers manually...
DAZ Studio helped me to find all skin textures from specific folders on my hard disk!
Thanks anyway!