Q about SyckleYield tutorlal Converting G3 to G8 (shoes part)

SyckleYield tutorial about Convert Clothing G3 to G8, G8 to G3 in the high heeled shoes part says "Before you perform the transfer step, pose the shoes to match the target figure (arms down for G8, arms up for G3)" So the question is - I have high heeled sandals for G3 which I would like to be able to use for G8 too; but the problem is the sandals are a pair and are moved as a pair while the distance between G3 feet is less then the distance between G8 feet. So how I can pose them to match the G8 feet?
Problem with the posing solved; so only the second question remained
2. And this brings the next question - When I select the G8 figure, no matter if I use or *not use* a foot fix morph, and load the G3 sandals in the beginning while the autofit popup is active, the sandals fit perfectly. But when the autofit process ends they end as it is seen on the screens. If I cancel the autofit or load the sandals with no figure selected they simply remain between the feet of G8 figure.
Is there a way to use the autofit w/o the after-auto-fit-distortion?