3Delight Rendering failure

Recently, my 3Delight renderings have been failing ...

Rendering in 3Delight

Optimizing Images - 0/1

Optimizing Images - 1/1

Rendering Image


3Delight message #147 (Severity 2): R2077: trying to access element 0 of array 'f' of size 0, run-time check failed (line 139 of file stdin) (in shader 'brickyard/{407f8e5c-3a9b-4708-b5e5-799ff1fe7c1d}/shader_Displacement' on object 'shapematerial_Torso_4772_d9a')

3Delight message #147 (Severity 2): R2077: trying to access element 0 of array 'f' of size 0, run-time check failed (line 139 of file stdin) (in shader 'brickyard/{407f8e5c-3a9b-4708-b5e5-799ff1fe7c1d}/shader_Displacement' on object 'shapematerial_Hips_6816_e95')

3Delight message #147 (Severity 2): R2077: trying to access element 0 of array 'f' of size 0, run-time check failed (line 139 of file stdin) (in shader 'brickyard/{407f8e5c-3a9b-4708-b5e5-799ff1fe7c1d}/shader_Displacement' on object 'shapematerial_Legs_5252_e95')

... Any suggestions on what steps I can take to fix this problem?


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,770

    Have you tried reruning the render immediately after? I haven't seen it recently but there was at least one build where 3Delight seemed to start rendering before the last preparation step was complete.

  • ImagoImago Posts: 5,272

    Try to put the displacement settings to default selecting "reset" from the menu and setting them back as you need. Also try to save the displacement image with another name and reloading it.

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