Any easy way to darken skin shader in IRay

Is there any relatively simple way to darken a skin tone in IRay?  I just want to darken and redden the skin a bit.  I don't want to get into editing the specular maps if I can avoid it.


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,855

    Try increasing the Translucency Weight of the skin (or skin, lips, nails) in the Surfaces pane. A value between .4 and .65 is commonly used for skin.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,316

    Yes, many iRay skin texture sets have two or three presets called Translucency.

    Low Translucency Preset - will make translucency lower and the skin lighter

    High Transluncency Preset - will make transcency higher and the skin darker

    Sometimes there is a Medium Transluncency Preset that is in between.

    However, this effoect depends on the transluncency color chosen. 

    As far as changing the pigmentation look (transluncency color) go into the iRay Surfaces for the Arms, Face, Torso, Fingernail, Legs, Genitals, Lips, Eye Sockets and so on and adjust the color to suit the level of pigmentation suitable for the character.

    For a pale character - 1.0 0.75 0.75 is a very light pink.

    There are on the web if you search skin tone charts for various skin pigmentations measured from calbrated photographs. I think they come in RGB charts and Pantone charts you have to use the DAZ color picker to input the RGB values.

    And the diffuse texture in itself will lend color to the character.

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