Ravynsworld - Holiday Freebies!

Ravyn (aka Ravyns) has generously given some of her products to the 3d Community as gifts this Christmas. They were offered free daily, several at a time, at her Content Paradise Store over the several days
In order for her to allow those who might have missed these gifts a bit more time to get them, Francemi.net is delighted to host these for her temporarily.
I've created a page with images from her store - some don't have the product name but you'll figure it out :) And one's missing - I planned to do an image but didn't get time..
THEY WILL ONLY BE AVAILABLE UNTIL APPROXIMATELY (would not be earlier than this) 11:59PM EST on December 27th. Please download those you'd like by that time :)
Click on the image to download. Approximate file sizes listed on the site - there are some VERY large files so you may want to use a download manager
PLEASE do not download these if you already have them so as not to cause our bandwidth to go nuts :)
See the product pages at her store at Content Paradise for more information
Note - If you are seeing this before the end of the day Pacific Time on the 25th, three of the items are still available at Content Paradise (Gran's Place, Parlor Lamp, and the Barracks) so you can put them in your cart there :))
Enjoy and thanks so much to Ravyn!
thanks you so kuch Ravyn!!
you are so generous!!!!
big hugs!
Absolultely wow, this is so generous. I love Ravyn's stuff. Thanks so much to both her for offering these as gifts, and Francemi. for hosting them.
Yup, what Cho said! Thanks so much!
You're all very welcome! If she doesn't get a chance to come here herself, I'll be sure to pass on your thanks :)
Thank you..
Thank you, Rayvn, for the gifts, and thank you, Alisa, for hosting them for a few days. (I had completely missed them the first time around.)
These are great! Thank you so much~
You're all very welcome :) I'm so glad Ravyn decided to do this - it was generous enough to give them away for a day or so, but extra generous to extend it for another few !
Totally agree with you about Ravyn's generosity, some of these were on my wish list.
Very nice and generous indeed. Can you pass my heart felt thanks on please Alisa Uh-Lisa and thank you for hosting them. :)
Mine, too, Cho -
Thanks, Szark - I will :)
Definitely some nice pieces. I just wish that they were all either Poser formatted or DS formatted, and not just the object files. :long:
Thanks Much everyone.. And Thank You Alisa!!
Hope you all enjoy the freebies.
@Tramp Graphics.. I'm what you might call Poser illiterate. No matter what I do I can't get a prop to work in the program.The Sweet Shop is a Poser Prop but that's because Oakham did the Poser stuff for me. I do like the new DS but have never had time to learn how to use it. What I am is a Bryce Addict & many of the Freebies have Bryce obp files..
Thanks, Ravyn! And you're very welcome!
Oh, and Ravyn's now put them on her site too, so if you can't get them from Francemi, here's another option
Thank you very much for the gifts. I did manage to download some from Content Paradise, but now I have downloaded all. Thank you again.
Thank you Ravyn!!!!
This is very generous, and I want to thank Ravyn for her kindness.
Sadly I don't seem to be able to download them. Couldn't yesterday either. Gets so far then stops. Might be a problem on my end, I don't know, but I've given up now anyway!
BlumBlumShub, I had the same issue. When the download stalled, I stopped it and then resumed. Sometimes only a couple of meg would download at a time, but eventually, all downloaded.
me too, yesterday a got 2 to download and then they stopped and wouldn't. very nice stuff too bad the downloads didn't work past the 25th. Thanks for what I got though VERY nice stuff
I got to play wiht one of these this morning.
Thank you Ravyn for your generosity.
Thank you Alisa for making it available to us.
I too cannot download most of the items, however, SOME are free at content paradise so I managed to at least get those.
I managed to get them downloaded, but had to resort to pause/resume on a couple of them. Also, I did a few at a time, with long intervals in between.
Thank you so much, Ravyn. These are luring me back to Bryce.
Many thnx and happy new year
DL's have stalled ATM but I assume there's a lot of peeps trying to DL these beauties.
Still stalled. Bummer
I hope the links will stay active for a longer time.
Sigh. Feel like the kid who can't reach the sock on the fireplace
thank you very much, downloaded beautifully on Android!
Thank you all. Downloads worked fine.
Thank you. All downloaded in the end. Just resumed download and all OK.
Only got 3 of them. Rest stalled
Thanks Ravyn, I got to download several of them. For those that stalled, I just "paused" the download and waited about 10 seconds, and then "resumed" the download without a problem.