DSON vs Legacy vs Poser Companion What do I use?
I don't have Poser. I assumed I would use the Legacy files but I just got the Stephanie 5 Pro bundle and the Lycan Hunter does not have a Legacy file. I downloaded the DSON Core file and it does show up, but is this the best choice? What is the Poser Companion?
For DS 4,5 you need the DSON Core files
For DS 4 and lower You need the Legacy files.
For Poser you need the Poser cCompanion FIles + the DSON Core files.
I guess I need to go back and download everything again
Just pick the version of DS that you are using from Chohle's comment up above, and install that - you can skip the other things. So if you're using DS 4.5, install the DSON core files and you're done.
Yes, I have 4.5. I already downloaded all the legacy files, so now I need to go back and download the DSON files.
Gotcha. The legacy files should work too, because they're forward-compatible, but it's simpler to stick with just the DSON ones. Good luck!
Well I installed some of the DSON files and now they both show up under Smart Content.